Deployment and Support

The general deployment and support process consists of several interrelated activities with possible transitions between them. These activities can occur at the producer side or at the consumer side or both. Because every software system  are unique, the precise processes or procedures within each activity can hardly be defined. Therefore, deployment and support should be interpreted as a general process that has to be customized according to specific requirements or characteristics. Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. Every software is unique in its functionality and use cases, so the process of deployment and support has to be customized according to the particular specifications and characteristics of that software.

Deployment Activities

Distributing software support to all machines in a network can be a daunting task for IT Administrators, especially at large enterprises. With an ever-growing number of endpoints, it is becoming a real challenge to roll out software across organizations. Desktop Central allows you to distribute software packages and automate software deployment in all the computers across your network across Windows, Mac and Linux from a central console, without user intervention.